Open your mind and heart with these teachings on life, love and female leadership, blending neuroscience, psychology and spiritual wisdom. 

My intention is to help demystify spiritual and psychological ideals of transformation into an accessible framework which honors how our brain and bodies are designed.

Connect with the extraordinary woman you are here to be. 


changing beliefs




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I’m excited to share a behind-the-scenes conversation I had with Starhawk. It wasn’t meant to be a public interview, but the discussion was so powerful, I knew I had to share it with you! I first encountered Starhawk at 16, when my mom introduced me to Goddess Remembered from her women’s group. At a dark […]

Changing Beliefs, Spirituality

October 9, 2024

A Deep Conversation with Starhawk and Gabriella Taylor on Feminine Power and Healing Our World

Today I am inspired to share an essay I wrote after a conversation with Meggan Watterson, a pre-eminent scholar of feminine spirituality. What Would Mary Magdalene Say About Trauma As A Path To God?  As long as we humans have walked on Earth, I believe we have been exploring what it means to be “spiritual beings […]

Personal, Spirituality

October 18, 2023

How Is Trauma A Path To God?

Here’s why I don’t rush to ‘fix’ or ‘change’ my feelings anymore…instead I do my best to get curious and be with what is emerging.  I do recognize that this perspective may be controversial, and I’m okay with that. I simply ask you to take what you need and leave the rest. There are many […]

Changing Beliefs, Spirituality

October 7, 2023

6 Signs of Spiritual Bypass

6 signs of spiritual by-pass

i'm gabriella 

For over 25 years, I’ve been serving as a Professional Woman-Centered Coach, specializing in Spiritual Psychology and Relational Neuroscience, helping women just like you uncover their inner strengths and abilities and discover how to express this in the world.

At this time of an evolutionary leap on this planet, where women everywhere are called to bring forward a new vision and possibility for ourselves, our loved ones and the planet, I am committed to inspiring you to stand up as the extraordinary woman that you are, through my Blog and boutique private coaching services. 

I believe in power within you and I am here to stand with you as an ally and catalyst. Together, we rise.

After 25+ years of coaching women specializing in Spiritual Psychology and Relational Neuroscience, I’ve discovered that these exact questions are the key to unlocking the transformative wisdom of your subconscious mind.

Anytime you need guidance on your next steps in life, love, work and purpose, these will empower you to overcome blocks, develop self trust and strengthen your confidence.

Your Welcome Gift

12 Questions That Profoundly Changed My Life

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